
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Saturday, February 09, 2008


It turns out that when I am not cooking (a.k.a. hiding in the kitchen as an excuse for some "me" time), we do a lot of playing around here. Marcus and Will love to wrestle. Or should I say, Marcus loves to tackle William and most of the time William thinks this is funny... for the first 30 seconds of being pinned to the ground.

Last weekend it was ever so slightly warmer than it had been so I got the bright idea of taking the kids out in the driveway to play for a little bit and get some fresh air. The ground was still pretty soggy but I figured the concrete driveway would work out for some playing.

This was great fun for a whole 10 minutes until William decided out of the blue that it was no longer fun. We headed inside and tried our hands at a couple of art projects.

Guess who! (It is Marcus. I know, I didn't give you much time to guess.)

So who could this be?

Unfortunately, we can't play all the time. Sometimes I need to cook lunch. I only need a few minutes in the kitchen for that but it was taking much longer than it needed to when I had two kids clinging to my legs. That is when I found a great babysitter for those few minutes. This fine babysitter makes my kids completely comatose and lunch is able to be prepared at record speed. So thank you my friends the Teletubbies (however weird and bizarre you are) for entertaining my kids from 11:30-11:45 each weekday morning.

A few days ago I put our pack 'n play up in Marcus's room. William has been sleeping in our other bedroom which was never intended to be his bedroom. It is just a room with a crib in it and some other random things that are completely non-William related. I thought about moving William into Marcus's room to nap in the pack 'n play to see how that went first. Then Greg and I decided that since Marcus generally naps less than William and they both sleep pretty much the same hours overnight, we would keep William napping in the other room but see if we could get them to sleep overnight in the same room. Last night was the first try. I figured I would be up a couple of times calming William who would be confused over where he was and hoping it wouldn't wake Marcus up. I hung out with the boys for about 25 minutes after I put them to bed. During that time William fell asleep and Marcus was almost there. I didn't hear a peep out of either of them until about 6:45 this morning. Then of course they both realized that they were in the same room and this led to Marcus yelling at the top of his lungs at William, jolting me out of bed, and leading me to go into the room and tell Marcus that he needed to use his inside voice. (I told him this while using my outside voice because clearly he should do as I say, not as I do.) Again tonight they are snoring away in the same room so I think this is going to stick. Well, it was going to stick until I just typed that and jinxed it. I think the next thing will be moving William's crib into Marcus's room and setting the pack 'n play up in the other room for William to nap there.

In closing I have a question. Can I just leave them like this all the time? It would be really nice sometimes!

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Cara said...

awesome news on the room and sleeping transition!

At 2:45 PM, Blogger jen said...

Of course you can leave your kids in a playpen all day, isn't that what every stay at home mom does!? How else do you get your toenails painted without the tots getting in the way?
Then again, my 14mo must be behind because he can't draw a face like that one William drew, so what do I know? Seriously, Will is very talented.


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