
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Back When Marcus Turned 4...

In an attempt to catch up with my blogging...

So way back three weeks ago when Marcus turned 4, we really didn't have too much planned for his actual birthday since we had already had his birthday party. They did a little birthday celebration at school and I had the pleasure of getting to go to school with Marcus that day. It was a great time to act 4 again, sing songs, play with toys, and even have one of the teachers tell me that I was breaking a rule. Oops.

We decided to go out to dinner to wrap up the birthday celebration. We headed off to our favorite japanese restaurant, one of those places where they cook the food on the grill at the table in front of you. Don't quite know when this happened but Marcus has become quite the talker. According to his teachers, he doesn't say a word at school. But anywhere else, he is talking up a storm to just about everyone. The chef at our table sure had a lot of questions to answer from Marcus. We had warned the kids that there might be some fire because we didn't want them to totally freak out if our table went up in flames while dinner was being prepared. Marcus's main question all night to our cook was when was there going to be fire. Just to entertain the kids, our cook gave us some extra doses of fire. We all stuffed ourselves silly and thoroughly enjoyed Marcus's birthday. None of us enjoyed it more than the birthday boy himself.


At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Mike A. - GPAFG said...

Very neat story.


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