
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cautious (and not so cautious) Cooking

I've had lots of help cooking dinner lately and must say I really really really enjoy getting to work on meals as a family (or partial family since Greg usually isn't home from work when we start cooking). The kids love any sort of job I give them from fetching ingredients out of the fridge to throwing away cheese wrappers to using the food processor. (I let my 3 and 4 year old use the food processor unassisted - but supervised - which means my next post will probably means my next post will be about the hospital trip I will have to take for a sliced off finger.) After a round of recent colds, Marcus was plagued with a lingering cough. Greg was determined not to have an excess amount of germs enter his food so this is what dinner preparation looked like for a couple nights.


At 9:09 AM, Blogger RD said...

haha, that's awesome. until I read your post I was curious to learn what toxic ingredients you were afraid marcus might inhale.


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