
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Yeah, I know it is


Finally I feel that I got the recognition that I deserve! Well, not me really but my blog. I'm still waiting for my "You are totally awesome and everyone loves you so much that you should never ever even think about getting over yourself" award. But for now, I will humbly accept my Fabulous Blog award from the lovely and talented Jill.

The unfortunate part to this amazing award is that there are strings attached. Can't I just put this little award up to show the world how fabulous this blog is and leave it at that?? No! Apparently I have rules to post and my dirty laundry to air for all to see in order fulfill the contract that receiving this award requires me to adhere to. So, here it goes.

Here are the rules to receiving this award:
1. You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous bloggers in a post.
2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post.
3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions below in the post.

Instructions: On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.

And now for my five addictions:
1 - My kids. I avoid getting them out of bed every morning and can't wait for nap time to start or for bed time to arrive. They drive me crazy and frustrate me to no end, yet I can't get enough of them. I need to be away from them sometimes but then I just miss them terribly and can't wait to get back to them. I was not looking forward to getting them up this morning and doing all those mom chores. Yet when I walked in their room and Marcus started yelling, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Marcus hug!!" it all seemed worth it. After I got my Marcus hug Marcus said, "Will hug Mommy too!" Nothing like early morning hugs from my fabulous boys to feed my addiction.

2 - My iPod. I can define my life in terms of before iPod and after iPod. Was there really life before iPod? I can't even drive to the grocery store 5 minutes away if I don't have my iPod plugged in and shouting out some tunes.

3 - Live music. Thankfully my favorite bands only come to town a few times a year or else I would be incredibly poor and really missing my kids since I would be at concerts all the time. Live music just feeds my soul and makes the best part of me come alive. My favorite concerts ever are Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers shows. One of these days Greg and I are going to take a pilgrimage to Mexico so see them there. Will Hoge and Dave Matthews Band shows are also at the top of my list.

4 - My computer. I could go into great detail about all the things I can do on my computer that are addictive-worthy but I am only supposed to have five addictions. There are blogs and facebook and email and stupid computer games and the internet and iTunes that feed my iPod addiction. And that is just the beginning.

5 - My lists and spreadsheets. I would be lost without these. I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't blog or feed my kids or get up off the couch really. My To Do list and I are almost as inseparable as my iPod and me. I have lists of things to do with my kids when we are all pretty bored. I have an extensive and ever growing spreadsheet that basically does my meal planning and grocery shopping list for me that I would be lost without. I have a budget spreadsheet that reminds me on a daily basis that the economy sucks. I even have a spreadsheet that helps me keep track of who I need to send Christmas cards to.

And now it is your turn. I have to pick five blogs that I think are just fab. If I pick you and you only post every once in awhile, let be known that the award might say you have a fab blog, but really it is only a mediocre blog :)
1. Jen - You just have the greatest pictures!
2. Saffron - I am thinking we need to get our kids together soon.
3. Cara - But only because you love my dinner planning spreadsheet too.
4. Jennifer - So glad you are home and I just love reading your blog!
5. Melissa - What have you been up to?


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