Been busy. Here's what we have been up to:
- Marcus is done with soccer for a few weeks. I signed him up for the next session which doesn't start until the end of January. Since the last session on Friday he keeps asking me if it is a soccer day again. I told a few of the preschool moms about the program and now several of his classmates are signing up too. Even though Will is old enough now to play, I opted to wait a little longer. My friend's son who Will plays with while Marcus plays soccer also will not be playing. Will gets so excited to play with his friend that he loves going to soccer just for that, so for now, that is good enough.
- We've been having "movie nights" at our house. I think we started doing it every so often over the summer. We decided that every Friday night from Thanksgiving to Christmas we would have movie night and watch Christmas movies and eat popcorn in our pj's. Maya wasn't really into the movie and was looking to play. Maya now has a new friend in the house that she loves to wrestle with, nip at, and nap with.

- My brother and his girlfriend have been in town. They were kind of sort of staying with us but not really. They did sleep here a few nights but were mostly running around visiting friends and family in the area. They are headed back home early tomorrow morning. Even though the kids have only met their Uncle Willie a few times, they think he is so much fun.

- I spent most of the day on Saturday making tamales (while still in my pjs). Tamales are the traditional Christmas eve meal in Guatemala and for the past two years, we have brought that tradition into our home. We are continuing the tradition this year. I made by biggest batch yet - 91 tamales! The ones that we don't eat Christmas eve - which is most of them - will be frozen and enjoyed over the next couple months.

- Had our first "real" snow that actually amounted to something. The kids were loving it. The pup was loving it. Greg and I were loving it too. Last year the kids were okay with snow but this year they are totally into it. Even my brother Willie and his girlfriend Sindy went out to play in the snow with us. All us big kids did some sled riding while the two little kids watched.

- One of Will's birthday presents was "Diego Dinosaur Rescue" for Wii. The kids played it the other night and it was a big hit. They loved being inside Diego's world and getting to control what was going on on the TV. It was so easy for them to understand and a lot of fun. I highly recommend it!
- Since my parents, siblings, and I won't be together on Christmas day, we went out to dinner and had a mini Christmas celebration yesterday. It was great to see everyone in one place. It might not happen again until next year. My sister's family got Marcus and Will a Smart Cycle. They had a really great time playing with that tonight. Will is still learning to pedal so he wasn't quite as into it as Marcus was.

- Marcus is done with soccer for a few weeks. I signed him up for the next session which doesn't start until the end of January. Since the last session on Friday he keeps asking me if it is a soccer day again. I told a few of the preschool moms about the program and now several of his classmates are signing up too. Even though Will is old enough now to play, I opted to wait a little longer. My friend's son who Will plays with while Marcus plays soccer also will not be playing. Will gets so excited to play with his friend that he loves going to soccer just for that, so for now, that is good enough.
- We've been having "movie nights" at our house. I think we started doing it every so often over the summer. We decided that every Friday night from Thanksgiving to Christmas we would have movie night and watch Christmas movies and eat popcorn in our pj's. Maya wasn't really into the movie and was looking to play. Maya now has a new friend in the house that she loves to wrestle with, nip at, and nap with.

- My brother and his girlfriend have been in town. They were kind of sort of staying with us but not really. They did sleep here a few nights but were mostly running around visiting friends and family in the area. They are headed back home early tomorrow morning. Even though the kids have only met their Uncle Willie a few times, they think he is so much fun.

- I spent most of the day on Saturday making tamales (while still in my pjs). Tamales are the traditional Christmas eve meal in Guatemala and for the past two years, we have brought that tradition into our home. We are continuing the tradition this year. I made by biggest batch yet - 91 tamales! The ones that we don't eat Christmas eve - which is most of them - will be frozen and enjoyed over the next couple months.

- Had our first "real" snow that actually amounted to something. The kids were loving it. The pup was loving it. Greg and I were loving it too. Last year the kids were okay with snow but this year they are totally into it. Even my brother Willie and his girlfriend Sindy went out to play in the snow with us. All us big kids did some sled riding while the two little kids watched.

- One of Will's birthday presents was "Diego Dinosaur Rescue" for Wii. The kids played it the other night and it was a big hit. They loved being inside Diego's world and getting to control what was going on on the TV. It was so easy for them to understand and a lot of fun. I highly recommend it!
- Since my parents, siblings, and I won't be together on Christmas day, we went out to dinner and had a mini Christmas celebration yesterday. It was great to see everyone in one place. It might not happen again until next year. My sister's family got Marcus and Will a Smart Cycle. They had a really great time playing with that tonight. Will is still learning to pedal so he wasn't quite as into it as Marcus was.

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