
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Houston, we have a walker!

Have I mentioned how incredibly awesome parenthood is? Well, it is awesome. My favorite part is all of it. Okay, so that isn't completely true. I didn't really like the part last week where Marcus kept peeing on things. One of my favorite parts is watching Marcus learn things. This week his development has just taken off. He is learning all kinds of new skills and new words. It is literally happening overnight.

He loves his shape sorter toys for all new reasons this week. Last week he played with the shapes and Greg and I would point out where the shape fitted and he could get it in. For two days he amazed us with one of his toys by placing circles, triangles, squares, and stars into their respective holes with no help. Because that just wasn't enough challenge, he quickly moved onto a different shape sorter that has 10 different shapes. Without hesitation he went to work and put all of those shapes in their respective holes.

Then there is his language. I can't believe that two months ago we were worried about his language development. Two months ago he had one word. He probably has at least ten now, two of which just crossed his lips in the past 3 days. On Monday he spent our entire grocery shopping trip pointing to round objects and saying, "Ball!" His favorite word is still "woof". He has super hearing and will hear a dog bark from three streets over and respond with "woof". He even made up a sign for banana. I have done the sign for banana several times and his sign isn't close to my sign, but it is now our sign for banana.

I predicted on Sunday that by the end of this week, we would have a walker on our hands, or floors. Marcus is exceeding my expectations. Yesterday his one day care teacher said that they "tortured" him all day by encouraging him to walk everywhere. Today she said there wasn't much torturing going on because he was voluntarily walking where he wanted to go. This evening, he spent probably 90% of the time getting from point A to point B by walking. Actually, most of the evening was spent with him going from here to there and then when he got there he could come here again. He is just so excited that he is walking that he is doing it all the time!

Now I just have to get him to learn to quit bringing all those day care germs home to me. I am sick AGAIN! I am running out of sick days at work but there is no way I can go in when I feel like this. I was looking at pictures today from our trip to Guatemala to visit William. I never stop missing him and wanting him home but today even more so. Tomorrow is 5 weeks in PGN this time around. Please please please approve us soon!

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Jill said...

I think that you are from the same area!!! We are near Pgh. Visit our blog if you have a minute!

Jill (dh - Jeff, dd - Alli age 12, waiting on Mario 5 and a half months)

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Go Marcus Go!!!


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