
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Movin' on Up

We have been dropped, ditched, abandoned. Thankfully, we were picked back up again. Our case worker who has been handling all our adoption needs since we started the process with Marcus is slowly resigning from her position. I knew this was happening but didn’t think it would affect us. That was until today when we were informed that we have been assigned a new case manager.

This situation nearly set me over the edge. For one thing, I was ecstatically happy. Although I found our case worker a delightful person on a personal level, I felt that she was really lacking at bringing us answers to anything adoption related. Many of my questions did not get answers for days, normally not until after I had to email multiple times wanting to know what was going on. These were not difficult questions generally either. Sometimes the answers seemed to make no sense. Like I would ask, “Do I need to sign this form in blue or black ink?” Two days and two emails later should would respond with, “Yes.” Yes what? Yes you had turkey on Thanksgiving? Her favorite direction to move conversations was circular. Half of what came out of her mouth seemed to be some canned response that she was dictated to use for any question she did not immediately know the answer to. So for that, I am quite excited. There is always the possibility that this new case worker won’t be any better but I am really doubting that she will be much worse. My agency has been known to surprise me though!

Then there is another edge that this former case worker almost set me over. Our old case worker told us that she was only keeping a few cases, cases that had been approved by PGN and cases that had been in PGN for several weeks and were expected to come out approved very soon. Umm… wouldn’t that latter category apply to ME??? This week marks 6 weeks in PGN. Cases usually get approved or kicked out around 8 weeks. We are planning on getting approved here in about two weeks. Did she know something we didn’t know and is not telling us?? Is she expecting our case to be kicked out?? Immediately I stopped breathing and had to email Greg and a few friends to remind me to inhale. Thanks guys for your help with that breathing thing. I figured, what the heck, and emailed said case worker. I wasn’t expecting to get any magical answer but she did tell me that she was referring to two cases she has that have been in PGN for 12 weeks. I remembered to breathe on my own after that, keeping in mind that really she could be telling the truth this time. Of course I did have a moment where I stopped breathing again for a second when I imagined being stuck in PGN for 12 weeks. Okay, not going to think about that. Entirely too scary.

So, all is well I guess. I emailed our new case worker and told her just how wonderful we are and how she should use her magical powers to make William come home soon. Then I told her how wonderful she is even though I have never met her because a little brown noising never hurts.

Other than that, would the person who has been slipping Marcus insanity pills please step forward? You need injured, or at least forced to spend long hours with my crazy man to get a glimpse at what I am dealing with.

At 11:25 PM, Blogger Gail said...

I am glad you are feeling better now about all of the changes. I also hope your new caseworker does have some powers, magical or otherwise, to get you out of PGN real soon.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Jill said...

It sounds like you have a similar situation that I do with the lady at our agency. It is so frustrating to ask a question like, "is this all that you need me to mail, or would you like anything else?" She answers, yes. AHHHHHHH!! lol! We are already on edge here people! lol!


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