
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Monday, October 01, 2007

Discovery Days

Adoption, adoption, adoption. I swear that is all I live, think, and breathe anymore. I am really getting quite sick of it. I just want it to be over. I want my little boy home so I can get back to living my life and having my family. But, it is unavoidable. I am just going to get it all out now and then we can move on.

I took off work on Thursday and Friday and pretty much spent the majority of those two days curled into a ball on the floor unable to function. I tried functioning but it was so difficult and usually resulted in me just crying without control. I am just so tired of it all. I have been trying to figure out just what I could compare it to but there really isn't anything. It just plain bites.

We haven't heard a word about our case yet. 9 weeks and 5 days in PGN.

So the above has pretty much been my life since Thursday. The below is all the other stuff that I have been attempting to occupy myself with in an attempt to not think about the above stuff.

Thursday Greg forced me to go to Target. I think he was getting tired of me laying on the floor crying all day. I was getting tired of it too. Before we could go I had to stop in the bathroom for one more good cry though. Then we were off. We wanted to get a container to put some of Marcus's smaller toys in so they wouldn't be laying all over the family room at all times. This is what we ended up with.

You will notice that there is a total of 1 toy in the container. All the others are on the floor. Apparently the real reason we got the container was so Marcus could take everything out of it. At first I thought it our container choice was a mistake. The first attempt Marcus had to check it out involved him falling into the bottom drawer and getting stuck. His second attempt involved him somehow closing both of his arms into the middle drawer and getting stuck. We also got a brightly colored container (in a picture below) for Marcus's room.

Friday I woke up with horrible back pain. (Probably caused by being in the fetal position on the floor all day on Thursday.) I didn't mention it though because I really wanted to go hiking that day and didn't want Greg to talk me out of it. I spent the morning teaching Marcus important life skills, like how to help mommy clean the house so mommy doesn't have to do it anymore. Marcus is an excellent duster.

He dusted all his books, his changing table, the dresser, and even his potty.

His cleaning skills were so superb that his potty was clean enough to wear on his head!

The weather was wonderful all day Saturday and we headed out in the early afternoon to the Wildflower Reserve which is part of Raccoon Creek State Park. I haven't been there since high school because every time we want to go hiking or we are in that area, the pooch is with us. No pets allowed in the Wildflower Reserve. We were the only car in the parking lot and I couldn't wait to take a little hike and escape.

We let Marcus try out his hiking legs. He did awesome... for about the first 500 feet of the trail.

When the terrain got a little steep he reverted to scooting.

Then it was into the backpack for the rest of the trip.

We definitely want to go back there again to hike. We will have to pick a different trail. The one we took ran rather close to the road and the sound of cars zooming by through the trees didn't really give me the feel of being lost in nature. Plus, we want to head back in the spring or summer so there are more wildflowers around and we can share the area with William as well. We did get to see a few flowers and such.

And we got to enjoy some signs that even though it was nearly 80 degrees today, it is actually fall.

By the end of our trip, we were all exhausted. I wanted to just lay down and take a nap. I guess I wasn't the only one.

Saturday my mother-in-law (MIL) and father-in-law (FIL) came over for a few hours. As you may recall, our basement flooded and it is still quite a disaster. We ripped out the floor and were trying to figure out what our best mode of replacement was for quite some time. Then we changed our mind. Then we realized we have no money. Then we changed our minds and figured we could probably stretch our bank account and do something. Greg didn't want to start the floor yet though because we were too afraid that the power would go out again during a big storm and our sump pump wouldn't pump and our basement would flood again. So, Greg bought a sump pump with a battery backup and FIL was coming to help install it. MIL was coming to hang out with her grandson, and bring TONS of clothes.

She hit up a yard sale and I think she must have cleared the place out. Marcus currently has enough clothes in 18 month size so that I never have to do laundry again. I attempted to put the clothes away Saturday afternoon and had to put several things back in the box because I just didn't have room in his closet.

Saturday afternoon Marcus and I had an impromptu play date with Cara and Max. While we were gone Greg got to work on the new basement floor. It looks fantastic but I am waiting until it is done to take pictures and show it off. I had never been to this playground that Cara had invited us to before and it was huge. There were lots of places to climb and crawl and run and slide and swing. Marcus had to try it all out. My back was still killing me and chasing him around the playground didn't help things. Thanks, Cara, for thinking of us and inviting us. Sorry I didn't get much chance to sit and chat but that really isn't an option with Marcus around!

Sunday was Steelers Sunday. Marcus was all geared up for the game.

It quickly went from excitement to this:

Every time the Steelers score a touchdown Greg and I have made it a tradition to kiss. Last week I taught Marcus how to throw his hands up in the air when a touchdown is scored. He quite enjoyed celebrating. Then he watched Greg kiss me and attacked me to kiss me too. Too cute!

Back to work today. Blah. Really I don't know why I go. I don't get anything accomplished other than obsessing over our adoption. I nearly threw up when my phone rang today thinking it had to be our agency calling to tell us we were out of PGN. Nope. It was the vet calling to tell me that the pooch's dog food was in I nearly lost my lunch for nothing. Since I spent a lot of the weekend attempting to distract myself from current events by cooking massive amounts of food (I made enough food Thursday through Sunday for ten meals and froze a bunch of stuff) I decided tonight that I wasn't cooking. We very rarely go out to eat but I insisted. We headed to Mad Mex, a place I hadn't been for over a year. What an event.

I didn't realize the place was so child friendly. While Greg and I ate some chips with salsa, they brought Marcus some carrot and celery sticks with ranch dressing. He had never had raw veggies before and didn't seem to have the teeth to crunch them but he enjoyed dipping them in the ranch dressing and then sucking the dressing off of them. That was until he spilled the ranch dressing on his place mat and discovered how much fun finger painting in ranch dressing was. Suddenly Marcus realized we were eating chips and he wasn't. So we gave him one. That wasn't enough. He wanted salsa too. The salsa was really hot though. He kept insisting and I didn't want him to make a scene so I figured I would give him a taste and he would be done with it. Nope. He would have eaten the whole bowl of salsa if I let him! Then dinner arrived. Marcus had a quesadilla which I figured I should just smother with more salsa and some sour cream since he was already quite a mess at this point. There is nothing cuter than a kid with sour cream all over his nose. We were finishing up and the waitress asked if she should bring out his brownie because she wasn't sure if he would eat it. Marcus was about to have his first taste of chocolate. I was expecting a little, no frills brownie. Instead Marcus got a bowl bigger than his head that contained a brownie, vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup. I was going to just let him have the brownie but decided, what the heck. He dug in with both hands and a huge smile. I could tell when he was finally getting full when he started sticking his spoon in the whipped cream and ice cream and then rubbing the spoon all over his face. Several waitresses, along with some customers, kept checking up on him to see how much fun he was having and what a mess he was creating. Four napkins, five wipes, and a new shirt later, Marcus was semi-cleaned up and slightly less sticky. Hey, today just happens to be his 18 month birthday so there was nothing wrong with a little celebration! His hair was so caked with sour cream, whipped cream, and ice cream that he looked like we used way too much styling product on him. Greg said we didn't need to wash his hair tonight since he already had a cream rinse.

Tomorrow is another day. Back to work and back to thinking about nothing other than getting William home.

At 1:28 AM, Blogger Cara said...

holy book batman :)

thanks for meeting us at the playground on saturday, we enjoyed it and really it's not a big deal that we didn't get to chat too much. max was in a strange mood and kept getting scared... so it just wasn't meant to be i guess. hopefully once he finds that he really can walk just like the rest of us, he'll want to chase marcus around thus, the chatting will be a little easier for us :) until then we'll be content holding down the bench and the swings :)


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