
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Shanghai Noodles with Spicey Beef Sauce

Today Greg and I did some tag team parenting. William had his complete and thorough doctor's appointment with two fabulous doctors that specialize in internationally adopted children. This appointment was to last about 2 hours so we felt that it was in the best interest of everyone involved if one of us stayed home with Marcus. William and I headed off to the doctor.

Both the developmental specialist and the medical doctor were completely amazed. They really couldn't believe that Greg and I were able to adopt the two most perfect children that have ever walked this planet. Neither doctor noticed a thing about William that could even use an ounce of improvement. He is healthy and all of his development is right on schedule. Just being in that different environment made me aware of a few things going on with William that I never noticed before.

So far all of our time with William has been in a safe place, like in our home or even at the Westin. We haven't spent too much time in places where he might even have the opportunity to be uncomfortable. That was until we went to the doctor. William had a great time waving and smiling at everyone in the waiting room and all the nurses that were around. Even when the doctors came in he sized them up for about 10 seconds and then was luring them in with that killer smile. The developmental specialist pointed out to me that even though he was quite friendly with her, he did all his interaction while standing on the exam table holding on to me. Since William loves everyone, it is hard for me to see that he feels any differently towards me than towards any other person he is smiling at. That was good to know. Then there came the time for the poking and prodding. William is not a fan of poking and prodding. So what did he do? Well, cried of course. But more importantly he reached his arms out for me and clung to me once he got a hold. A good sign of attachment indeed!

By the time we got home it was lunch time. Then it was nap time. Then it was snack time. Greg had a little more shopping he needed to do so we traded off kids again. Greg and William headed to the mall and Marcus and I read books. I attempted to get Marcus involved in playing a little game with balls but he was a bit too distracted... by books. After I made him put all the books away I did get him to try something new that didn't involve running around like an insane child or reading. Yes, I am so cruel. I don't let my kid read. Rest assured, we only played ball for about 15 minutes and then it was back to reading again. I really hope that he gets some new board books for Christmas because these same 200 that we have been reading five times every single day are getting old.

Since I have been going on and on about William, it is time to give Marcus a little of the spotlight. He is just the most awesome big brother. I mentioned some things about his behavior to the doctors this morning and they were quite impressed with how well he is dealing with all the changes around the house. The first thing Marcus does when he gets up from his nap or from bed in the morning is set off looking for William. He actually seemed a little lost when I was with him alone this afternoon. Although he doesn't always listen, he is great at following instructions when he wants to be. I can tell him to go get a couple books to read. He will disappear and a few minutes later appear again with a handful of books. Sometimes when I am changing William's diaper after a nap I will ask him to give William's empty bottle to daddy. Off he goes and hands it right to daddy so it can be washed. From day one, anytime I give Marcus more food or he asks for something and I give it to him, I say, "Say Thank You". And now his response is to actually say Thank You! I can't tell you how much those little words make me smile.

While the kids were napping, I decided to cook dinner. It was only the second time I have really cooked something since William came home. I cooked a big batch of Shanghai Noodles with Spicy Beef Sauce, something I never made before and a recipe that you can get in our fabulous cookbook. (Yes, that was a shameless plug.) I put half in the fridge to heat up for dinner and the other half in the freezer for a meal down the road. William's doctor said that he could probably eat pretty much everything we eat now and Marcus has yet to turn his nose up at any food product. I figured I would finally scar my children for life by feeding them Shanghai Noodles with Spicy Beef Sauce. The stuff was packed full of garlic, crushed red pepper, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, ginger, and onions. William actually gave it a few tastes and seemed to enjoy it enough but he also had lots of other samplings of foods to try. Marcus ate every last bite of his Shanghai Noodles with Spicy Beef Sauce. Then he ate the rest of William's. He probably would have licked his plate clean if he knew about licking plates.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Cara said...

mmmm dinner sounds good!

i'm so impressed with marcus's eating skills, he really packs it in. i wish max would do a little better in that department :)

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Grant's been on a hunger strike for some time now, barely eating anything at any one sitting. I'm glad it's not like that at your house :-)

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Amanda said...


just thought it should be mentioned one more time ;oP


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