
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I don't know what to name this entry

Been rather frustrating around here lately. It never occurred to me that I would have two terrible two year olds at the same time. I guess mostly because Marcus has been a rather pleasant two year old for the past 9 months and Will spent a lot of time as a 18-24 month old not listening and really pushing our buttons. My how things have changed.

Not sure if Will has really changed that much but suddenly he is just way more fun to be around. Not to say that he was never fun to be around before, but the fun was in between him being super stubborn and not listening most of the time. I will take that over this attitude that Marcus has decided to have lately.

Marcus has pretty much been an easy kid. He is eager to please, loves to try to follow the rules for the most part, loves helping, always asks for help when he needs it, has never been one to throw a temper tantrum that lasts longer than 10 seconds, and you can reason with him on a rudimentary level. Something happened.

Yesterday I had to take Will to his 2 year well check up (was running a little late with getting that appointment scheduled) and I got to experience my first ever child throwing a temper tantrum in public. He was not listening at all so I sat him down in a chair in the waiting room at the doctor's office and told him to sit there. Complete and total scream-fest followed. So, I did what every authority on children tell you to do. I ignored him. I did my best to ignore all the other mothers in the waiting room who stared at me and my kid, acting as if their kid would never ever behave like that. Several staff members of the pediatricians office walked through the waiting room while Marcus was being so dramatic and every single one of them stopped and said something like, "Oh you poor thing!! What is wrong?? You look so sad!" Seriously, what is up with that?? I was sitting next to him, OBVIOUSLY I was his care taker since no other adult was close to him. If something was actually wrong with him don't they think I would have been doing something other than sitting there looking at a magazine??? I figured if I started telling these strangers to mind their own business it wasn't going to help matters so I did my best to ignore them too.

Before we got out of the doctor's office, Marcus threw yet another temper tantrum. The kid was screaming louder than any other kid at the doctor and he wasn't even there to see a doctor. All day today it has just been this attitude. Like this afternoon I asked him to come over to me so I could tell him something, something nice, it wasn't like he was in trouble or I was being mean about it or anything. He started screaming at me and throwing a complete fit. It has been like that All. Day. Long. Just being so difficult for no reason other than to get attention and then completely freaking out when I don't respond to his bad behavior like he would like me to.

Oh, and he has decided that he isn't potty trained anymore. He's been potty trained since August and apart from a couple little dribbles that are the result of me not remembering to take him to the potty in a long period of time, he has had no accidents. As of January 1, he has had 1-2 accidents - like soaking through his clothes accidents - a day. I tried to bribe him with M&Ms yesterday and that worked but apparently he was not to be persuaded today.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that this behavior is just a little two day fluke and not something that I will be facing for much of the future. I know the 3's are supposed to be hard, but we aren't even there yet and he is being difficult.

I called a pre-school today to see about getting Marcus enrolled for the fall. I am excited about him getting older and getting to do these cool things and learning new things.

Will is healthy and right on developmentally according to his doctor. He does have to see a specialist in two weeks over a possible issue, just to make sure it isn't an issue. I am not looking forward to it. Will screamed like crazy during the entire exam. I never knew getting your head circumference measured could be so traumatic. I felt so awful that he was so upset it was all I could do not to burst into tears myself and start telling them to quit weighing him because it was such a cruel thing to be doing to my poor child. I am thinking I might have to locate a few valium for myself before taking Will to the specialist.

This parenting thing is definitely not for the faint of heart. I need a beer.

At 10:00 PM, Blogger jen said...

Oh dear. Maybe you should have a couple beers. Hope tomorrow's a better day.


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