
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Monday, July 20, 2009

Inevitable Question

It was really only a matter of time I suppose, before I got one of the inevitable questions that most adoptive moms probably get at some point in their lives. I am sure many people have thought it, but this is the first time anyone has said it. I was out grocery shopping with the kids this morning, just me and them. Will was greeting everyone in the store. He usually tells most people we pass, "Hi! Hi! Hi!" Now when they respond he has been adding, "How are you doing?" So he was chatting it up with this woman who then decided to chat me up. I got the normal question of, "Are they twins?" And I gave my normal response of, "No, they are about a year apart in age." She asked how old they were and I said 2.5 and 3.5 which is roughly correct. Then I got the question.

"Are they yours?"

I try to be a smart-ass as much as I can in life. But, there are times when that just isn't appropriate. Like when you are talking to a well meaning stranger who has mild verbal diarrhea. So without pausing I said happily and without (hopefully) any indication that I had just been handed a dreaded question by adoptive parents around the world, "Yep!"

She then said something about how they will surely be a blessing to me, to which I corrected her and said they are both a blessing to me every single day. And then I went about my shopping.


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