Two projects completed this weekend! And don't forget to check my blog this Friday for the new feature I am starting!!
I was in the mood to purge and organize over the weekend and figured I better take advantage of that feeling. Most of our art supplies are hidden away in a cabinet, but the cabinet is in such a disastrous state I can't keep track of what art supplies are even in there. Even more concerning, we purchased a giant stack of construction paper at Sam's Club that won't fit in the cabinet. It has been hanging out in a messy pile (that becomes more of a mess each time we try to get a piece of paper out of the pile) on my bakers rack. I kicked my head into creative mode and came up with a solution.
While out running errands, I located a huge roll of craft paper for $2.50. Back home I survived our attic where I think we still have every single box that we used to move to find the perfect one. Then I tried to figure out just how my nerves were going to take two kids and a bunch of paint. Greg asked Will to run an errand with him and Marcus was begging me to do some artwork, so the project became something for just Marcus and me to tackle.
First step, pull out every single color of paint that we own. Second step, grab the stamps that were purchased for artwork purposes about two years ago but got lost in the artwork cabinet and were never used. Step three, start stamping.

Once the paint was dry, I got out a roll of clear packing tape and got to work. Marcus was rather excited with what we had created.

All our construction paper fits neatly inside. This particular box even had this little insert so I was able to create a second space inside that holds our coloring books!

This box looks way nicer sitting on my bakers rack than that ugly messy pile of paper.

Next project to finish off was the curtains for Will's room that I think I started back in November. Yes, that was November. I fell in love with this fabric and got to work. Then Christmas happened and I did a ton of knitting and got craftiness burnout. When I did work on the curtains, it was usually 10 minutes at a time while I was also trying to watch/entertain the kids. I made the decision that I was going to spend a wild Saturday night staying up as late as I needed to in order to finish the project. I put some good music on my ear phones, and 45 minutes later, the curtains were finally done. Or done for now.

This was the biggest project that I have sewn. Not all that technical, but just big. Juggling all that fabric ended up being a little more challenging than I expected, particularly since I didn't have a nice large place to lay everything out. The result is that one curtain is about an inch longer than the other. A noticeable inch. But for now they are done. It will probably take me another 4 months to get that long curtain hemmed up. I used a navy blue fabric on the back side of the curtains which is a nice complimentary color (but probably would choose differently if I were to do this project again, which I am not). I wanted something dark on the back side to keep the room dark during nap or those summer evenings when the sun stays up late.
Finally got a couple other things on Will's bedroom walls as well. Although now I am thinking he also needs some sort of hockey decoration.

I was in the mood to purge and organize over the weekend and figured I better take advantage of that feeling. Most of our art supplies are hidden away in a cabinet, but the cabinet is in such a disastrous state I can't keep track of what art supplies are even in there. Even more concerning, we purchased a giant stack of construction paper at Sam's Club that won't fit in the cabinet. It has been hanging out in a messy pile (that becomes more of a mess each time we try to get a piece of paper out of the pile) on my bakers rack. I kicked my head into creative mode and came up with a solution.
While out running errands, I located a huge roll of craft paper for $2.50. Back home I survived our attic where I think we still have every single box that we used to move to find the perfect one. Then I tried to figure out just how my nerves were going to take two kids and a bunch of paint. Greg asked Will to run an errand with him and Marcus was begging me to do some artwork, so the project became something for just Marcus and me to tackle.
First step, pull out every single color of paint that we own. Second step, grab the stamps that were purchased for artwork purposes about two years ago but got lost in the artwork cabinet and were never used. Step three, start stamping.

Once the paint was dry, I got out a roll of clear packing tape and got to work. Marcus was rather excited with what we had created.

All our construction paper fits neatly inside. This particular box even had this little insert so I was able to create a second space inside that holds our coloring books!

This box looks way nicer sitting on my bakers rack than that ugly messy pile of paper.

Next project to finish off was the curtains for Will's room that I think I started back in November. Yes, that was November. I fell in love with this fabric and got to work. Then Christmas happened and I did a ton of knitting and got craftiness burnout. When I did work on the curtains, it was usually 10 minutes at a time while I was also trying to watch/entertain the kids. I made the decision that I was going to spend a wild Saturday night staying up as late as I needed to in order to finish the project. I put some good music on my ear phones, and 45 minutes later, the curtains were finally done. Or done for now.

This was the biggest project that I have sewn. Not all that technical, but just big. Juggling all that fabric ended up being a little more challenging than I expected, particularly since I didn't have a nice large place to lay everything out. The result is that one curtain is about an inch longer than the other. A noticeable inch. But for now they are done. It will probably take me another 4 months to get that long curtain hemmed up. I used a navy blue fabric on the back side of the curtains which is a nice complimentary color (but probably would choose differently if I were to do this project again, which I am not). I wanted something dark on the back side to keep the room dark during nap or those summer evenings when the sun stays up late.
Finally got a couple other things on Will's bedroom walls as well. Although now I am thinking he also needs some sort of hockey decoration.

The box is fantastic! What a great Mommy and Marcus project. And you did an awesome job on the curtains too.
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