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Friday, August 06, 2010

Updates on Big Kids

- Marcus is still continuing with soccer and loving it. The place where he plays is indoors and generally parents and sibling and such hang out on the field area. Lately the coaches have requested that parents and siblings head to the balcony in hopes that the kids will stay more focused. It is so much fun having a birds eye view of Marcus playing and interacting with his teammates and coaches without him realizing we are watching. He is so much more outgoing than he is when we are close by.

- Will picked up a plastic gun attached to a video game at the sports complex where Marcus plays soccer. Will announced, "Mommy, I'm going to dry my hair," and proceeded to use the gun like a blow dryer. I was pretty excited that my kid thought that was exactly what he was supposed to do with that object. Greg then pointed out that it was probably a good idea to teach him what a gun really was, or else he could come across one some day and start pointing it at people's heads unknowingly,

- Marcus has been great at taking care of me on days when I don't feel so hot or am just really tired. Recently I got him up from rest time and he could tell I was just exhausted. He suggested I take a nap in his bed while he took care of all the things I usually do. After he went to the bathroom, he got Will out of bed and made sure that Will followed all the steps for proper potty use and hand washing techniques. The conversation I overheard between the two of them as they worked through the bathroom routine was priceless. Then Marcus got a snack out for both kids and offered to get me one too. I declined. Instead Marcus brought me a stuffed bear to make sure I was comfortable while I rested. I hope that kid never loses his helpful attitude.

- Really hoping this doesn't jinx things, but I finally think that we are getting Will out of his crib and into a "big boy bed". We tried months ago and it was just a disaster. His room is now kid proofed to the max, like probably couldn't be much safer unless we padded the walls. (I actually spent a couple hours in a padded room at a hospital with a couple friends once but that is a different story...) He has been napping in his big boy bed for a week now and was told if he acts like a big boy and stays quiet, he will be allowed to sleep in his big boy bed at night as well. The next stage will be getting him and Marcus to share a room. I'm not looking forward to that transition.

- I've become one of those moms that starts wishing summer away and counting the days until school starts. As much as we try to encourage (and force) Marcus and Will to not spend all of their time together, they still end up together most of the time... picking on each other, harassing each other, teasing each other, getting on each other's nerves, getting on every one's nerves that has to listen to their bickering. It will be a big change for both of them when school starts and they get to have their own lives and own friends for several hours each weekday.


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