
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Friday, October 12, 2007

Travel Plan

Last night we had our travel plan talk with our case worker. It would have been a perfect conversation to have about a year ago at this time right before we left for our pickup trip for Marcus. However, being seasoned travelers and adopters, most of what our case worker had to say were things we already knew. We really do need to start getting all the documents together that we need. I have my employment verification letter and Greg should be getting his today. Other than that, nothing. Several of the things are just documents that I have to pull out and put in one place. I am going to have dinner with my friend Val on Monday so we should be able to get two of the documents that we need notarized taken care of at that point.

In other news, Marcus has a cold again. He was getting rather miserable last night. It is all my fault apparently. I was playing with one of his toys and he came over and tried to rip it out of hands. I told him that we could play with it together or else he would have to wait until I was done. He cried for the next hour. I’m such a mean mom. I am not even going to let him give me his cold this time… hopefully. I have been taking my vitamins (although I don’t think the all-day-energy part of my vitamins is still working) and I even had some Airborne last night.

I may be moving my space that I was going to claim. I was all excited about taking over the laundry room (yes, that is totally pathetic, I know) and Greg got to work on it the other night. Last night Greg suggested that we put his foosball table in storage, since we never play anymore, and I could take over that corner. It is a much larger and nicer corner but I’m not sure. The overhead light in that area has never worked right and light will be a necessity. That means either getting the light to work (Greg has tried without success over the years) or having to locate another mode of lighting.

My parents came for a little visit on Wednesday night. Marcus insisted that Pap-pap sing and do the motions for Row, Row, Row Your Boat. I tried to warn my dad that he was next and there was no escape when Marcus gets in a “row row” mood. My dad is the definition of a grumpy old man. Although he did refrain from singing and made my mom strike up a tune, Pap-pap did go through the motions. Really, how could he have resisted a kid as cute as Marcus? Grammy and Pap-pap also showed up with Marcus’s first Thomas the Tank Engine. I hope they realize what they have started…


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