
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

State of Emergency

We found ourselves in a state of emergency today. Last night when I was trying to adjust the side rail of Marcus's crib, one of the latches that holds the side up broke. The crib still worked and still kept Marcus contained, but the side of the crib wasn't completely secure, only being held up by one latch instead of two. I was just planning on leaving it like that and hoping it would last, but we had nothing else planned for the evening. So, we declared a household state of emergency and called in the fire department for rescue.

Much to the surprise of my boys, there is a secret compartment in the house. Right there above their heads all this time in the hallway are some secret stairs that dropped right out of the ceiling. I climbed up there and emerged with... a giant firetruck!

It wasn't just any firetruck either. We are talking a super special firetruck that just so happens to hold a crib mattress and you can sleep in it! My sister gave it to us a couple years ago. She had gotten it from someone else for my nephew to use but I don't think he used it for very long at all. Marcus, Will, and I got to work at dusting the thing off while Greg got to work at getting the crib taken apart.

Marcus and Will spent a good deal of time once it was assembled climbing in and out of the bed.

Marcus was very much aware that even though this brand new large plastic thing in his room was fun, it was also a bed. He even practiced sleeping in it.

It is still yet to be determined if he will actually sleep in it or not. When we went in to go to bed tonight he crawled right in, covered himself up with his blanket, and grabbed up his bear. He has taken to talking in bed in the evenings keeping both himself awake and Will and so far, none of that. I sat in the room and read for about 30 minutes. Will is asleep but we are still waiting to see if Marcus's new bed is sleep-able. Wish us luck for a smooth evening because we don't have anywhere else for him to sleep! And while you are at it, wish us luck in keeping him in his bed during nap time and night time too.

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Cara said...

how fun! i hope that the report is good tomorrow morning and that he slept in his new bed with no issues :)

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

wow, I am jealous.

At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a cute bed!!! I love it!

Your sons are dolls!

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Gail said...

If I had an awesome bed like that I'd stay in it.


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