
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Friday, July 11, 2008

In Summary...

Been a crazy week so here is the quick low-down:

Greg's Pap died.

We put an offer on a house and it was accepted. The offer is contingent on us selling our house which hasn't happened yet.

Greg's mom had an accident in her house yesterday but seems to be okay.

Marcus is still convinced that everything in this world is yellow. I let him decide in the morning which type of undergarment he wants to wear. Sometimes he picks his big boy underwear and generally does okay, but I do take him to the potty about every 15 minutes.

Will's vocabulary is insane. There is no chance of me keeping track of how many words he says. I don't know all the time if he even knows the words he is saying or if he is just repeating words he hears other people say.

Boot camp is 3/4 of the way over. My body has given up but my brain keeps trying to convince it to keep going. My ankles are so sore that any exercise requiring me to jump is basically impossible so I end up modifying it. It kills me to run but I keep doing it somehow. I am really proud of myself for continuing to go go go.

I have poison ivy. It isn't too bad but it still itches which is no fun. And it's ugly.

At 12:23 PM, Blogger jen said...

Wow, that's a lot of stuff! Sorry to hear about Greg's Pap and hopefully his mom is fine.
Congrats on the house, but I need to know more! Is this the great location but not sooo big house? I'll send some house selling vibes to ya.


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