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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Final Potty Post

Hopefully, this is the last potty post pertaining to Marcus's training. I wouldn't say he is totally potty trained, maybe 97% though. Although there were some rough times for sure over the past two weeks, it was far less painful than I expected.

The first two days there were several accidents that were cleaned up and put out of thought. The first week I had Marcus sit on the potty about every 30 minutes. No luck with going #2 in the potty that first week. Marcus still wore Pull-Ups for naps and night and also when we left the house. He didn't have any accidents while we were out of the house but I just wasn't ready to risk it.

This week have been waiting for Marcus to tell me when he has to go and not taking him on my watch. There have only been two pee pee accidents. One occurred when he was incredibly overtired and the other occurred when I yelled at Marcus and apparently scared him in the process. He has only had one #2 accident this week but going poopy on the potty has not been smooth riding at all. The first two times nature was calling this week weren't so bad except that he waited until the very last possible second to tell me and it really just came down to how fast I could get him stripped and seated. Then he had an accident. He was very upset about it. The next night Greg had to talk him through it for about 30 minutes before he let nature take its course. Last night was just bad. He obviously had to go. He would start freaking out that he was about to have an accident but when I would put him on the potty he was so freaked out about going on the potty that he was able to put on the breaks. This went on for 2 hours, 2 incredibly miserable for everyone hours. The poor guy was in pain and traumatized. I didn't have a clue what to do. He would sit on the potty and start screaming in fear. Then he would announce that he was all done and two minutes later he was running back to the potty. The best idea I could come up with was to have him sit on his little potty while I held and hugged him as best as possible while rubbing his back. Apparently it worked and there was success. This morning, total poopy success without any tears or trying to postpone the situation.

Still have been putting him in Pull-Ups for outings but I am going to start taking the risk starting Monday of underwear only for outings. All but once these past two weeks he has woke up from his naps dry but I'm still not ready to risk that. He even woke up from nighttime sleep dry twice but he definitely isn't ready to lose the Pull-Up during that event yet.

Marcus has discovered that announcing he has to go potty is a really great way to suddenly get the attention on him if attention would fall somewhere else for the briefest of time. Annoying? Absolutely. Please let this be a short phase.

For some reason it seems like trying to get one kid out of diapers actually makes going anywhere more difficult. Instead of just grabbing a couple diapers and some wipes as I am headed out the door, now we diapers, wipes, Pull-Ups, change of shorts since those Pull-Ups aren't overly absorbent, and the portable potty in case he has to go NOW, and the foldable potty seat to take into the store in case he decides he needs to go when we are there...

So, I guess this is it. I have a potty trained kid. Wow, how did that happen? At what point did this kid start growing up because I think I was absent that day.


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