
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Monday, December 08, 2008

Exploiting Cheap Labor

From the day Marcus could make the sign for "help", he has been asking for help as much as he has been offering to give help. Now that Will knows how to ask for help, Marcus is usually the first one to try to help Will when he needs it. The person he likes to help most is me (yay!) and I am not about to turn down some good help.

Diapers and Wipes - We still have one kid in the house that is in diapers and those little wipes are so useful I don't see a time in the near future when I will stop using them. We buy diapers and wipes in bulk, store them in the closet, and refill the changing table when supplies get low. Marcus typically notices they are low before I do and takes care of the job without me even asking. Please tell me this phase will last forever.

Laundry - Both kids help me strip the sheets from the beds and carry the sheets to the laundry room. They are also great with carry towels to the laundry room and pushing laundry baskets over to the washer and dryer. Marcus even takes the empty laundry baskets back to the right rooms. And I don't even ask him to help! Every time he senses it is laundry time, he is chasing me down yelling, "Marcus help!!" Once a load is done, both kids help to get it out of the dryer.

They usually hand things to me to fold but Marcus has voluntarily taken over the job of folding washcloths and hand towels.

Marcus knows where all the hand towels go and as soon as they are folded, he runs off to put them away. When the laundry belongs to Will and Marcus, they put all their socks in one pile so I can match them and Marcus puts all his underwear in the drawer.

Dishes - Marcus has been setting the table every once in awhile for a long time now. Lately he has taken it upon himself to show Will how to do it. I usually try to do this task on the sly without them noticing because otherwise it results in them fighting over who gets to put what on the table. Will is happy to step back though - most of the time - and let Marcus empty out the dishwasher. Marcus puts away all the things in the lower drawers and cabinets (which just happen to be non-breakable things) while I work on the higher shelves.

Sometimes there just isn't room in the kitchen for all that helping. I discovered on Friday a great way for the kids to help with the dishes out of the kitchen while I get the breakables and sharp things before the kids get to them.

I told Marcus he would probably have to help Will figure out where to put things and soon heard him shouting, "Here, Will! HERE!!"

Grocery Shopping - Still working on this one. Marcus helps pick out produce and put things in cart. He also likes putting things on the conveyor at the check out but it is hard for him to reach in the cart. There is still lots of, "We don't need that. Put it back. No we are not buying that," that goes on during a typical shopping trip. Will is strapped securely into the cart during shopping trips for good reason. Marcus always wants to help carry the groceries into the house when we get home. Sometimes they are just too heavy though.

Pooper Scooper - You would think that cleaning up after our dog is a reward for good behavior in our household. When the weather was nice and we were playing outside, we would clean up after the pooch once a day when we first went out. As soon as we started out the door, both kids would begin screaming, "POOPER SCOOPER!!" Then they run around like crazy in the yard looking for poop. Once some was found, they point and scream, "Dirty mess!" That is my cue to head that way with the pooper scooper. I really wanted to get this on video. I am thinking it would be very useful footage to pull out in a few years when the kids refuse to pick up after the dog just to remind them how much they used to enjoy the activity.

Other Various Chores - Both kids are great dusters. Okay, so they aren't really that good but they do like to try. Whoever invented Swiffer Dusters must have kids. Will and Marcus like to vacuum as well. I have considered getting a couple Dust Busters for them so they can actually vacuum while I vacuum.

Still working on the cleaning of the windows without actually smearing your hands all over the windows while you do it but it will come.

Stay tuned into my blog over the next couple years when I am sure to be asking, "How in the world can I get my kids to help out around the house??"


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