
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Unless you have been living in a cave, this week the country changed who now holds the office of President. The current present ran his campaign with much talk of change. We have had lots of changes in this house this week.

- Our washing machine broke. We are all up and washing again. Just one thing we didn't really feel like dealing with... ever.

- Marcus is plugging away at his pre-preschool skills. Although this didn't suddenly happen this week, it seems that over the past couple weeks he has grown up a lot. He has been able to recognize all his letters for a year now but hasn't really had much interest in any other preschool skills. He had a couple colors under his belt but now he knows yellow, red, blue, purple, orange, black, white, green, brown, and pink. Today he told me that he has brown skin and brown eyes and I have white skin and green eyes. He is coming up with all kinds of original (and seriously funny) sentences and observations now. (We saw some cows while out the other day and he pointed and said, "Mommy, those cows eat pizza for snack.") He still has no interest in counting but can count to two when he feels like it.

- Will is changing from being really social to being really really social. He is closing the gap between him and his brother in language skills as well as height and weight. He strings together 4-5 words frequently. He jumps and runs and spins and sings several songs and has decided that crayons can be fun to actually color with. He listens an average of 75% of the time which is dramatically increased from the past when he mostly just tuned Greg and me out. And of course he laughs and laughs and laughs and when he gets going, there is just no way that you can avoid joining in. Will repeats everything you say which I have learned already is a dangerous thing.

- We changed up our nap routine a bit. I was so frustrated earlier this week that as soon as Greg walked in the door after work one day, I told him he needed to help me move things. The problem really is me. The kids don't need to nap as long anymore but I still need a good solid chunk of Me Time. Marcus is content with hanging out in his bed and reading books and playing with his bears quietly during the designated nap time. On average he will nap about 45-60 minutes over the two hour period. Will has gotten to the point that that is about all he needs to nap too. But instead of playing quietly he babbles really loud, screams as if he is being tortured, yells at the top of his lungs for me, or bangs on the walls/crib/who knows what. So instead of me getting some Me Time to unwind from the chaos of two two year olds, I was getting so angry and frustrated and ended up behaving in ways that I really did not want to be behaving. So change has come. Will is now napping in his crib in the kids' actual room instead of the Pack 'n Play in the spare room. Will has a couple of cars to play with in there. Marcus is in the spare room in an inflatable travel bed, surrounded by books and stuffed animals. There are TVs in both rooms connected to the same DVD player. I just have to press a button in the spare room and a movie comes on in both rooms. The first day we tried it Will screamed so hysterically that I thought for sure he would lose his voice. I left the room, turned on the DVD player in the other room, and it was instant silence. Yesterday there was not a single scream. I did have to go in once both days to tell Will that if he didn't watch the movie quietly I was turning it off. Both my behavior and Will's behavior during nap time seems to be changing for the better.

- Sadly Greg's aunt passed away suddenly this week. Please send along some prayers of strength for this sad change of events in our family.

- And some things never change. Here is Marcus at 7 months old, on a Steelers Sunday, suffering from the unfortunate consequence of only knowing how to move in reverse.

And here is Marcus at 2 3/4 years old, on a Steelers Sunday (although he had changed out of his Steelers gear and into his PJs), watching the game from a position he voluntarily got into.


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