
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Sunday, March 08, 2009

A Little Bit of Sunshine

After my last depressing post, all is well around here. It is amazing what a little bit of sunshine and warm weather will do. My house has stayed amazingly clean these past few days because we have spent all our time outside, often without coats on since it has been so warm! I'm actually writing this blog Sunday evening while hanging out on my deck in a sweatshirt and bare feet. Parenting has been easy (GASP!) these last few days. I just take the kids and the pup outside in our yard and there are very few problems to be had. No fighting over toys since we really don't have our outside toys out yet. No board puppy that likes to entertain herself by tackling the kids and nibbling on their ears. Instead we have taken walks in the woods (which both kids whined and complained about the entire time), done yard work (which led to the kids getting mad at the pup when she tried to help with their armfuls of weeds), played on the swing set (which lead to arguments about whose turn it was to slide and whose turn it was to use a particular swing), and run up and down the driveway (which led to two kids with skinned knees). Nothing could be better! Well, maybe it could be slightly better if this weather was planning on sticking around.

A couple of pictures...

Maya mid ear nibble:

Maya, our big tough doggie:

Marcus and Will rock:


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