Marcus’s Christmas Program
Just before Christmas, Marcus had his Christmas program at school. All the three year old classes at the school were combined into one large group to sing songs, do some rhymes, and play some instruments. Before the show started I gave Marcus a hug and told him how excited I was to hear him sing. He slapped me across the face. Very un-Marcus-like. That kid of mine was lucky he was looking so handsome.
We thought we had a pretty good spot to see the performance. Then my short little guy took the stage. He was in the back row, slumped down in a chair for the entire time. I moved so I could get a better view but it turns out it didn’t matter. See that dark haired kid in the back row in the dark blue sweater who isn’t moving? That’s my Marcus! (Sorry about the horrible quality video. Our video camera battery won’t hold a charge so that is the best we have.)
After the program, I gave Marcus a hug and told him how proud I was of him to get up there in front of all those people. (I left out the part where he probably could have participated a little more.) He greeted me with another slap across the face. It was a lovely day. There were lots of cookies to enjoy and some yummy punch, so I put aside the fact that my child was abusing me. It really was quite a cute performance and I am already looking forward to years and years of holiday concerts to attend.

We thought we had a pretty good spot to see the performance. Then my short little guy took the stage. He was in the back row, slumped down in a chair for the entire time. I moved so I could get a better view but it turns out it didn’t matter. See that dark haired kid in the back row in the dark blue sweater who isn’t moving? That’s my Marcus! (Sorry about the horrible quality video. Our video camera battery won’t hold a charge so that is the best we have.)
After the program, I gave Marcus a hug and told him how proud I was of him to get up there in front of all those people. (I left out the part where he probably could have participated a little more.) He greeted me with another slap across the face. It was a lovely day. There were lots of cookies to enjoy and some yummy punch, so I put aside the fact that my child was abusing me. It really was quite a cute performance and I am already looking forward to years and years of holiday concerts to attend.

2 Comments: cute but I can't stop laughing about how he just slapped you out of no where!!! From the times we met him , that does seem so unlike him!!! Maybe he is forwarning you that Chorus will not be in his future!!!
I love the Moose sweater. I kept trying to convince Kevin he needed one. Hmmm... Maybe Macy's will have one on clearance next week.
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