
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Not a bit of problem with Marcus sleeping in his new bed. He stayed put all night and apparently was so comfortable, that he was still fast asleep when I went in this morning, with his butt up in the air. Of course by the time I got my camera he moved.

Nap time today went well too. Once again I had to wake him up. Not quite sure what will happen once he stops being so tired and wakes up early. For now he seems quite content to just hang out in his bed but I am sure it won't be long until he realizes that he really can get out of bed whenever he wants to.

In other news, my parents surprised us with a present today. They bought us a house! I am not making this up! How insanely incredible is this?? It isn't anything too fancy, more of a quaint little cottage. It was one of those pre-fab deals where you get all the pieces and just have to assemble it. Nothing my dad and I couldn't handle. We worked out in the heat, sat back with a couple of cold Cokes, and then we let the kids check the place out.

Marcus immediately got on the phone and started inviting his friends over to check it out. Unfortunately all the lines were jammed and he couldn't get through.

Will did some breaking in of the doorbell.

At last they felt all settled in and sat down in the kitchen for a cool drink and a little chat.

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Gail said...

You and your dad are awesome builders. Looks like the boys are really enjoying the fruit of you labor.
Gail and Johanna Faith

At 10:13 PM, Blogger Cara said...

ooh how cute! love the photo of marcus calling his friends... too bad max didn't get a call :(

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

What a great little playhouse! I bet they get a lot of use out of it. We always played in a neighbors playhouse, but it was dark, had a dirt floor and was usually full of bugs. Yours looks much nicer!


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