
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Thursday, May 07, 2009

It's A Small World Afterall

I thought it was going to rain all day so we ended up just hanging out inside. Not really a good idea with two crazy little toddlers. After dinner I suggested we head out to this little park less than 2 miles away for something different to do. We took Maya with us and there was another little puppy there. They were having a blast. Soon the other family left and it was just us.

A car drove up. A woman jumped out and grabbed a sweatshirt that was left on a table. The woman ran back to the car. The car started driving away. I noticed that man was staring me down, half hanging out his window. It was a little creepy. They started to drive out of the parking lot and then turned around. I was feeling even more creeped out. They parked and started getting out of the car and I was all, "I know them!" I wanted to scream across the playground to Greg and announce who it was because he kinda sorta knows them too but I didn't know if he would recognize them. Plus, I thought I would have sounded really rude.

The husband and wife are family friends of my family. The husband's parents know my parents and the wife worked with my sister years ago. Most importantly, they have three children adopted from Guatemala!

We talked for a bit and were even more surprised to find out that we only live a few houses from each other. How crazy! I mean, they are RIGHT THERE, right up the street from us! Here I was thinking that we were the only Guatemalan-American family on this side of town, and it turns out that there are five Guatemalan kids living within a block of each other! Greg said that with all these Guatemalan kids living so close together, we might need to start calling this area Little Guatemala.

All the kids had a blast playing together. Marcus and Will were particularly interested in playing with their 2 year old son. All us adults chatted and smiled from ear to ear, knowing that we will be seeing a lot of each other over the years.

So I realize after rereading this, it totally doesn't even scratch the surface of how excited I am. I mean... how do I even explain... I can't. Just trust me, all you non-adoptive people out there, that this is HUGE.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Jill said...

How COOL! Are they facebook friends... you gotta get them on there! Are you guys going to the zoo next weekend?

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Wow! That is exciting news. How lucky for you all!

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Cara said...

that's really cool! and how exciting to find that they live right up the street too!


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