
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Friday, May 15, 2009


I am really behind on my Oprah watching and finally watched an episode from about a month ago. Mothers were confessing things they have actually done in the name of motherhood. Like most mom I am sure, I tend to be pretty hard on myself. Not today. Today I am taking it easy on myself. Today I am realizing what an awesome mom I am. I may yell more than I should and have less patience than I would like, but I am still an awesome mom.

My house is never clean. It could be clean but I choose to spend time with my kids rather than making the place spotless.

I have never once ever forgotten to feed my children.

I cook every night. And by cook I don't mean I open a box of prepackaged stuff and pop it in the microwave. I cook good, wholesome, mostly balanced meals pretty much from scratch that are pretty healthy.

I take my kids places. We go to the park and grocery shopping and to playgroup and story time and running errands or just running around the yard. And they behave for the most part!

My kids get a bath every night. Maybe once or twice a month something comes up and we have to skip it but they are clean. I probably could shower every day if I wanted to but have decided that showering at least every 36 hours is good enough.

And just today, I found the time to rock with Will for 15 minutes because he just wasn't ready to wake up from nap yet. Marcus was feeling under the weather and he threw up on me today. I told him that that was okay. Maybe that makes me a crazy mom, but I am pretty sure that makes me an awesome mom too.

No one even has to agree with me. I know I am awesome. I know it when Will lets out one of his infectious laughs. I know it when Marcus is more concerned that I get a clean, throw-up free shirt on, before I take care of getting him a fresh shirt. I know it when Will runs up to me and gives my leg a tight hug. I know it when Marcus asks for another kiss and says, "Luv you!" I know it when I tell Greg that all I accomplished today was taking care of the kids and doing a load of laundry, and he tells me that it sounds like I accomplished a lot.

I even know it when I yell too much and I lose my patience because being an awesome mom, doesn't mean being a perfect mom. Go me! I rock!

At 11:34 PM, Blogger Alethea said...

I think you're a pretty awesome mom on a regular basis. :-) You enjoy your children so much, it's inspiring.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Emmy said...

What a really nice post :)


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