
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Toothless Smile

What could be cuter than one of those big toothless grins that little babies give? Really, I cant think of anything. I just love walking in the room and seeing that smile on Marcus, or playing a game and there is, flashing those gums. It is looking like those great toothless smiles are soon to be a thing of the past.

Yesterday I was writing about how Marcus had morphed into Mr. Grouchy Pants. While we were at the day care yesterday I happened to get a weird angle on Marcus's mouth and it looked like he had a little dark mark on his gum. I didn't think much of it since it was probably just yet another piece of dog hair that ended up in his mouth. Last night Greg was up with him for 2.5 hours. He said he wasn't mad or crying, just didn't want to sleep. This morning when I was playing with Marcus I caught that weird mark on Marcus's gum again. It is right where one of his lower front teeth would be and upon further inspection, it looks like a tiny little split in the gum. Greg claims the two little teeth are right there but all I see is that tiny little gum spot.

Apparently this is supposed to be one of those great milestones. People get all excited when their little kids cut their first tooth (usually the excitement comes after the sleepless nights are over). I'm really not that excited. I like Marcus just the way he is. I don't want him to grow up! I want him to stay little and toothless forever!


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