
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Delivery Delayed

This morning Greg and I had a nice and leisurely breakfast, thinking it was the last hour or so that we had until craziness hit. William was to be brought to us between 9-11am (Guatemalan time) this morning. We got back to our room around 8am and I decided to make sense of our large piles of stuff in our suitcases. In the midst of me trying to keep busy, the phone rang. It was only 8:30 so I was a bit confused. The family couldn't be here already with William! On the other line was Pablo, our in-country corespondent. He was in the lobby with all our paperwork. He said that the foster family requested that we wait until 3:00pm for them to bring William to us. It was up to us ultimately, but the foster father had to work today and if we waited until this afternoon, he would be able to be here as well. We could never thank or repay this family for the wonderful care that they have given to William these past 11 months and felt that it was very important to allow them these few extra hours so the foster father could be here as well. So, 3:00 it is.

We did meet with Pablo to get all of our paperwork that we will need for the Embassy tomorrow. It was nice to get that business all out of the way so this afternoon when William is brought to us we can just concentrate on him, not paperwork. After everything was discussed, Greg and I ran back to our room to read through the paperwork.

It was very sad reading the story of William's birthmom and the circumstances that led to her having to make such a difficult decision. Mostly she just wanted the best for her son, for him to have a life that she knew she wouldn't be able to provide. Greg and I are going to do the best that we can to give William the life that his birthmother wants for him.

But, that will all start at 3:00 :) For now Greg and I have to find something to do to entertain ourselves!

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Gail said...

It was nice that you gave the foster family more time so the father could see William and be there to deliver him. These families seem to really love our children and we are blessed to have them. Have fun at 3:00!!

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

ah, you should have come to knitting :oP That would have kept you busy for a couple of hours...

I am sure you are totally occupied with William by now!! It was really considerate of you and Greg to wait for the drop off. I am sure the foster family was greatful. :o)


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