
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day One of Boot Camp - Do Over

With the boot camp mix up yesterday this was my first real day. Today I was up at 4:55 again, got my hair pulled back and some clothes on and was out the door and on my way around 5:10. This time I was at the correct location. At 5:30 this morning I could be found with a group of about 50 women stretching and warming up for some exercising. Really, why did I decide to do this? In general, it just plain sucked. We did some toning exercises broken up with periods of running around the parking lot for intervals of 1 to 5 minutes at a time. The running part is really what sucked. I am just not a runner. Never was, never will be. Give me a swimming pool or a bicycle and I can show you some endurance. Pounding the pavement with my sneakers, not happening. The first run was 5 minutes. I did manage to run the entire time but by the end of it I was at the back of the group, watching women twice my age skipping along ahead of me. The second run was 3 minutes and I only made it about half of that and settled for a power walk the rest of the time. There was another 3 minute run and another 5 minute run that I decided to just walk. The last run was 1 minute and I was able to hang through that one and actually run. By the end of the hour, my skin was cold, I was sweating profusely, my ears ached, and the muscles in my abdomen and thighs were screaming for mercy. The best part of the whole workout was when it was over. And I don't mean that in a "thank you great power above for allowing me to survive" kind of way. I mean it in the "wow I did it and I feel awesome about it" kind of way. I have every intention to return tomorrow.

I was back at the house at about 6:55 and Greg was running out the door for work as soon as I arrived. I don't know how I did it but by 7:17 I was showered, dressed (in a t-shirt and shorts), and my hair was done (as long as you consider mostly dried and pulled into a pony tail as "done"). I made breakfast for me and two kids and got them up. We all ate. I put away a big basket of laundry and got some makeup on. I got the kids dressed and got their teeth and hair brushed and turned on some cartoons. I sent Cara an IM and she suggested that we come over to play. About 10 minutes later we were off to her house, arriving around 9:30. (Who ever said that having kids meant you couldn't be spontaneous?) We got back around noon, ate some lunch, read some stories, and I tucked two tired kids into bed. Then I tucked myself into bed too. A woman can only be a super mom for so long!

At 4:44 PM, Blogger jen said...

So, how sore do you think you'll be tomorrow?

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

Wow, I really do envy you for finding motivation to sign up for something so intense! I would be tempted if I didn't already get up so early to go to work. My butt is looking flatter than ever. Did you take before photos? I totally would have.


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