
the homepage of gregory and ann kline

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nap Time and Laughter

Our new nap time routine is working wonders with Will. It is mostly just nice to have this well laid out plan. I don't have to get frustrated or mad because I have it all planned out how I am going to react to his nap time behavior. I put him down. The movie comes on. If I hear him in there I go in and tell him that he needs to be quiet or the movie will be turned off. If I hear him again I go in and turn the TV off. And so far, after that he has just fallen asleep until it was time to get up from nap. Today I had to give him a warning but never heard him after that so the TV stayed on. He was still sleeping when I went in to get him up but opening the curtains was enough to wake him up and be ready for some play time.

Unfortunately, the new nap routine has disrupted Marcus who normally has absolutely no issues with nap. Figures. The past two days he hasn't napped at all. It resulted in a little bit of pre-dinnertime crankiness but really wasn't so bad. It all caught up to him today. We were out picking up a couple items at the grocery store today and he decided to not listen to me and follow that up with a temper tantrum in the middle of the store. Greg was working at home today and when we got home Marcus told him, "Marcus bad day." I went in to get Marcus up from his nap this afternoon at 3:00 and he was still zonked out. I opened the curtains and nothing. Will and I played loudly for a good 45 minutes before Marcus finally stopped snoring. He was really slow to wake up and get moving when he finally did get out of bed. Still planning on sticking with this new nap time/movie time thing though.

Marcus is quite the goofball. He does these really funny things, most of the time they are looks or using funny tones of voice that I can't exactly explain on my blog. Now that he is getting even more verbal, he is starting to say even more funny stuff. This evening after bath I was getting Marcus dressed and he informed me that tomorrow he is going to work. I asked him what he does at work. He said, "Marcus put batteries in couch downstairs at work." It's an important job and someone has to do it.


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