Favorite Foto Friday #1 - You

I'm usually the one with the camera so I don't have too many pictures of me. Greg took this completely unglamorous photo of me in the summer of 2006. We took a mini vacation to Washington, DC and Annapolis, MD so we could spend some time together before becoming a family of three. I've been to DC several times but this was the first time I had seen the WWII Memorial. I probably shouldn't have put my feet in there but it was such a horribly hot day and my dogs were barking and... well... everyone else was doing it. Not a great picture but a great memory.
Next week's theme is Sunshine!
Let's see your picture! Post your Favorite Foto on your blog. Then use MckLinky to create a link so everyone here can view your photo. Just click on the next number available and fill in the form to create your link.
(I haven't used MckLlinky before so if you have any issues please comment in my blog and we'll work together to figure it out.)

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