They are here! The
cookbooks arrived on Friday and since then my life has basically revolved around them. The best news is that we have extras so if you want one (or fifty), stop on by our
website and place your
I really can't believe how well they turned out. Not only are they filled with recipes (because I mean really, if there were no recipes could it really be a
cookbook?) but there are also tons of cooking tips and tricks. And they are fun to look at! Take a look yourself!

They arrived on Friday afternoon, all four hundred and forty some of them, in eleven boxes that quickly took over our lives, and our game room... oh and our living room too.

Friday evening we made our first delivery, to the home of
Amanda and Kevin. Oh, and we kinda visited their new baby girl Eleni and allowed them to behold in the excellence of our newest family member and his older brother. Here is the proud momma and baby.

Amanda and I even switched babies for a short time.

Greg thought he would take a turn at holding a newborn but he quickly realized that a sleeping baby, even one as cute as Eleni, isn't nearly as much fun as chasing his own two kids around an unbaby-proofed house attempting to deter destruction.

We were brave enough to stay for some pizza before everyone was totally tired out and we headed home. The boys were whisked away to bed and Greg and I returned to the
cookbook project. By late Friday night, they were all ready to be shipped.

Saturday morning we made a quick stop at FedEx to drop off a big order of
cookbooks that we promised we would send rush delivery. Then we hit up the mall play area. Oh, the insanity. I think every kid that was out with their parents who were trying to do Christmas shopping on Saturday was in the play area. William crawled around a bit and Marcus ran like a crazy man. He has had lots of excess energy and I don't think I even realized just how much until I saw him running full speed ahead for over an hour at the mall. He was bouncing off of things, quite literally, and getting creamed by some big kids. He didn't even notice.
When we got home William went straight to bed for his nap. Marcus had lunch (I had a great lunch of leftover Crab Quiche I had made a few days earlier, a wonderful recipe that can be found in our
cookbook) and hit the sheets snoring. Greg was off to the post office to ship the
cookbooks. At this point all the
cookbooks have either been shipped or I should have contacted you about how you would get them. If you don't receive yours in a few days, please let me know! You can email me at so we can get this straightened out. Oh, and if you are totally in love with your fabulous
cookbook, as I am, you could always order another
here! That night for dinner I made some Guatemalan Beef in Spicy Pepper Sauce (a marvelous recipe that can be found in our
cookbook) over some rice and Marcus couldn't seem to get enough of it. He loves his spicy stuff.
Sunday Greg went in to work to, you guessed it, dropped off
cookbooks that people had ordered. He also had some paperwork to fill out for his leave that he got taken care of. Then we watched football and were sad. During halftime, I decided to shape up my nails a bit. As it turns out, I can't really do anything with two small kids while they are awake and not expect them not to want to be right in the middle of it. I just had a conversation with
Amy last week about how I was concerned about the battle that cutting William's fingernails would likely be. Turns out, it wasn't a battle at all. What you don't see in these pictures is how Marcus was lined up patiently waiting his turn to be manicured as well.

Monday we were off again, delivering more
cookbooks. First stop was my place of employment. Greg, Marcus, and William were all with me because I think I would have been massacred by all the super sweet women I work with had I showed up without my entourage of men in tow. I got all the
cookbooks distributed, got William onto my health insurance, and spoke with some of my favorite coworkers in just over an hour. Not too shabby!
Since we were already in the southern direction, we kept heading south and went to my parents' house. My mom fixed us a wonderful, yet simple, lunch and then we were swarmed upon by the people I often refer to as "the street people". I have said it before and will say it again, I grew up in the best neighborhood in the world. The neighbors there are truly family (and they had bought
cookbooks which they needed me to give them). Many of the women stopped by yesterday afternoon to admire my incredible family and a few even brought gifts, a totally unexpected but appreciated gesture. I'm not so sure many people got to see Marcus since he was busy chasing his big cousin Scott in circles around the house while Scott yelled, "Baby attack!!" We hit the road to come back home and both kids were asleep just a few miles into the trek. When we got home I made some Tuscan Garlic Chicken (a yummy recipe that can be found in our
cookbook) and we settled in for the evening.
Today we took a little ride in the car to drop off some
cookbooks to a couple people that live really close to us. I think that is about it. This is turning out to be a crazy, busy week. Tomorrow someone is coming over to get their
cookbooks. Thursday morning we have a play date planned with
Melissa and Grant and they are picking up their massive order of
cookbooks while they are here. (Jon, Melissa's husband, sold something like 47
cookbooks to people he works with!) Thursday afternoon we have to take William in to get a couple of shots. Friday we have a playgroup to attend for families who have adopted from Guatemala. Friday evening my sister and her family are coming over since they can't make it to William's birthday party which is Saturday. Before the party I have to pick up the cake and get some more food, cook the food, decorate, and clean the entire house. Sounds like a fun week!
In non-
cookbook news, I have kids that are learning and growing and bonding and all that good stuff. Although I never really thought that William had much trouble adjusting to life with us, I can definitely tell some differences. He seems to really get our routine and doesn't fight certain things that we do - like diaper changes and story time - because he just seems used to them now. His foster family told us that he understands the word "no" but we really weren't having any luck with that for quite awhile. We tried saying no, we tried yelling no, we tried using his name and then no. He never acknowledged that we were trying to get his attention and most certainly never stopped what he was doing. Then things started to change this weekend. Now I am starting to realize that it wasn't that he didn't understand what we were saying, it was that he didn't understand why we were saying it. We were just people. We weren't
his people. Not that he listens all the time, but now when we tell him "no", he stops for a second and makes eye contact. He knows that he is supposed to be listening to us, his family, now.
New in Marcus's world includes a couple of words. He almost consistently tells me "Thank you" when I prompt him to do so. Today he even said "Thank you" when I handed him something and I didn't prompt him. His new word of the day is "Brother". This word sounds nothing like brother and comes out as "Ga-ga" but it is close enough. He also has not figured out how to answer questions with a "No". You would think this would be awesome, a toddler that doesn't say no! For the most part, it is just that. But, I do have to be careful what I ask him because I know the answer will always be "Yes". Like for example. It would not be a good idea to go on the following rant. "Marcus! You cannot shove an entire piece of pizza in your mouth at one time! You could choke and then you would die and Mommy would be really sad. Then I would have to get you a tomb stone that said, 'I Told You So.' Is that how you want to be remembered?" Because then Marcus would say nod and say, "Yes," with a big smile on his face of course.
Well, gotta go. We are getting ready to have a super yummy dinner - hot dogs and frozen French fries. If you want to know how to make this, I suggest reading the instructions on the packaging because our
cookbook doesn't have this recipe in it.
P.S. Marcus just broke down into an absolute tantrum because I took away his cleaning rag. Really, I wouldn't get that upset if someone prohibited me from cleaning but my kid is extraordinary!