I have an awesome husband. Sure, his romantic side has dwindled a bit since those early days in our relationship and he still doesn't always remember how to get his socks from his feet to the laundry basket. Those little things can easily be overlooked when he does big awesome things.
He was off work last week and one of the main reasons he decided to take last week off was so I could go off and do fun stuff without him and he could watch the kids. Really, what other man does that? And then, to just rub in his awesomeness, he let me sleep all day and bought me a really nice present. That is the epitome of awesomeness.
Last Wednesday I was headed off to a concert nea Cleveland, at Blossom Music Center. Greg watched the kids all morning while I got my stuff together, showered, and made last minute plans. I was planning on driving his car but then decided just minutes before I left to take mine and without complaint, that stellar guy of mine switched up car seats so I could switch up cars. Then I was off to pick up Brian (a.k.a. my concertBFF) so he and I could head to Cleveland to see Dave Matthews Band. (Below are details of the concert if you care about the band or just want to read about it.) I was afraid the weather for the outdoor concert wasn't going to be too great but it turned out fine. It was quite a late night though driving there and back and I didn't get home until almost 4 am on Thursday.
My totally awesome husband's alarm went off shortly after 7 am Thursday so he could get up and get the kids up and their breakfast made. Our bedroom is right off the family room and yet I never once heard the kids or Greg and had a joyous time sleeping late. By the time I woke up, around 10 am, everyone was outside playing.
After lunch, my totally awesome husband took me out to get an iPhone, just because he is totally awesome like that. And he did all this stuff for me out of the kindness of his heart, not because he was trying to make up for something that he did wrong. Although he said later that he should have held out on the iPhone until after he did something wrong and he needed to make it up to me. Did I mention he is awesome? Almost as awesome as my iPhone. When I got home from the store, I took a nap because I was still tired and Greg is awesome.
The ConcertThat was my 10th
Dave Matthews Concert, not that I am counting. I had a blast at the concert. The drive out wasn't so great with the rain pouring down on us like it was. Last year when concertBFF and I went to the Cleveland DMB show, we must have had some sort of prime parking luck. Last year we were really close to the entrance and a bunch of porta potties. This year, we were about a mile from the entrance and we were told the closest place to pee was the woods and the next closest place was the porta potties by the entrance gate. Note that the entrance gate was about a mile away. Thankfully I did find one porta potty a little closer. Unfortunately, that porta potty pretty much served 90% of the parking area and there was quite a long line.
Tailgating was okay. It was still raining for a bit when we got there so most people were just sitting in their vehicles which was a bit odd. The rain stopped and people came out. ConcertBFF and I made fun of them.
The opener was
Old Crowe Medicine Show. Greg has a couple of their albums but I had never listened. I will listen now. They were really great. By the time we got in and used the non-porta potty potties and got to our seat, we had missed a lot of their set. I would have liked to have seen more.
Our seats were merely okay. We purchased seats under the pavilion. They were in the farthest section to the left of the stage and only a few seats from the very end of the row. It made for a pretty difficult angle on the stage as well as the two big screens they had up. We couldn't even see the backdrop of the stage. Plus, we were mostly surrounded by old people and a group of youngish people in front of us who held some very important conversations (that was sarcasm) during the show. I snapped a picture with my phone (this was my old phone, not my iPhone) just to get an idea of what things looked like from our point of view.

DMB was really great. The show I saw in Pittsburgh a couple months ago was epic and this concert was incredible but not epic. They played all really great songs but there was nothing in the set list that blew me away. I continue to be amazed at the talent of everyone in the band and how the band is about everyone and showcases everyone where a lot of bands just concentrate on one person to carry them. Jeff Coffin on the sax was amazing. I didn't even know it was possible to play two saxophones (an alto and a tenor) at once but he showed me what could be done. The part that sucked was when they stopped playing. Sure, they had to end at some point but they just suddenly stopped. They came out for the encore, Dave played Rye Whiskey (a seriously killer cover that makes me want to cry, he played it at the Pittsburgh show too) and then they went into a version of Shake Me Like a Monkey that was basically like what is on the album. I thought they were really building up to something crazy. Then they stopped, said goodnight, walked off stage. Cue house lights. What was that?? The most I could figure out was that it was 2 minutes until 11:00 and perhaps they had to stop playing by 11. I'm thinking they should have cut one long song out of the main set and played a long song to tie up the encore/show. But, they didn't ask for my opinion.
I almost passed out again at this show. I almost passed out at the Pittsburgh one too. It was really humid after the rain stopped and that probably did me in. I made a huge effort to keep hydrated and mostly drank Gatorade prior to the show. Poor concertBFF had to miss out on them playing one of his favorite songs so he could get me more Gatorade. Once I got a few sips of that in me, I was fine again.
ConcertBFF and I sat in the parking lot and had some snacks before heading home so that we wouldn't have to just sit in traffic. The ride home was a bit difficult because it was incredibly foggy but at least concentrating on the road kept me awake. ConcertBFF and I already have plans to do it all again next year.
Random fact, according to
Ants Marching, the rarest song that was played at my first ever Dave Matthews Band concert (back in 1996 when tickets were much more reasonably priced and I was really young) was the same as the rarest song played at this concert - Best of What's Around.
And the set list:
Funny the Way it Is
Best of What's Around
Grey Street
Jimi Thing
Lying in the Hands of God
Lousiana Bayou
Why I Am
Ryme and Reason
Dancing Nancies
You and Me
Two Step
Rye Whiskey
Shake Me Like a Monkey