
Marcus was excited about kindergarten. When we first started talking about it a few months ago, he said he didn't want to go. Instead he wanted to stay at his preschool with the teachers and friends he already knew. Then he went to kindergarten orientation in the spring and he got to ride a school bus. Suddenly kindergarten was going to be the best thing that could ever happened to him. Two weeks ago he got to enjoy kindergarten for two days, a couple of hours each day, at Kinder Camp. He had nothing but good things to report from Kinder Camp, although he was still looking forward to getting to ride that school bus again.

The first day of kindergarten finally arrived. The first thing Marcus said when I got him up yesterday morning was, "It's kindergarten day! I'm scared." I let him know that I was scared my first day of kindergarten. (I left out the part of how I was that kid who was clinging to her mom's leg screaming.) But sometimes it is important to do things that you are a little scared to do. Then you see how much fun it can be and you feel really great about yourself for being so brave. I would like to think my little speech made him understand, but likely it was more that the excitement of riding that school bus took over. I didn't hear another word about being scared all morning. In fact, this kindergartener was downright excited!

Greg was able to go into work a little late so he could be there for the momentous occasion of sending Marcus off. Marcus had quite the crew waving to him as that great big kid of mine stepped onto the school bus.

Nary a tear was shed. I wasn't worried at all about Marcus being upset. It was me that I was concerned about.

The day went on. Will went to have some special time with Grammy for a bit since his school doesn't start until next week and he was a bit envious. Two babies napped at the same time for a bit. I had no idea what to do with myself. So, I thought about cleaning. No actual cleaning took place but I thought about it.
I was a bit anxious about the bus ride home for Marcus. Would he get off the right stop? What would I do if the bus showed up and he wasn't on it?? That is a lot of responsibility for a 5-year old. But the afternoon rolled around and that big yellow bus showed up. A very excited Marcus stepped off. He was so excited that it took awhile before I got to hear anything about his day other than it was good. His favorite part about the day was riding the bus. (When does that change? I know by the time I hit high school I was mortified on days when I couldn't drive or get a ride with a friend and had to get on a bus.)
As soon as he got back home the insanity started. I remember back when he was first starting preschool, he would come home from school - where I was told he never talked - and he would just go wild. Whatever he was holding in at school, he made up for it when he came home. The same thing happened as soon as he got home from kindergarten. He let loose. It took about 5 minutes before he was aggravating Will and fighting with him. Then there was loudness and wrestling with the dog and being rough with Sean and not listening. Maybe Marcus did get off at the wrong bus stop and some alien child came home with me instead.
All in all, kindergarten is going great for everyone. Two days in now and Marcus already told me today that he has a girlfriend (which I am sure he means a girl that is a friend). He was all embarrassed and whispered it to me and said I couldn't tell anyone or talk about it... so I just wrote about it on facebook and now I'm blogging about it. Kindergarten is all day and it is a long day. He was too tired after school today to be a wild child. But he went to bed tonight excited that he gets to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.